SESSION: Beyond the Biennale

Online conversation with Fiona Sweet , Sandy Collins , Clare Armitage  and Sian Harris
Beyond the Biennale
Beyond the Biennale
Beyond the Biennale
03 /Feb
AEST: 03:30pm  -  04:30pm
ACST: 03:00pm  -  04:00pm
AWST: 12:30pm  -  01:30pm
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The Art Biennale model has seen a suite of ambitious works shown across regional Australia over the years. It is a model that has close ties with cultural tourism, and is in grounded in the presentation of ambitious work. However the almost monolithic scale of these cultural events makes them resource intensive, and presents a real risk to presenters.

We now witness a moment of being beyond this paradigm. We see a shift in the very nature of 'ambition' in our regional cultural ecology - ambition is embraced within practice itself, not necessarily within the scale or quantity of work presented.

At the core of this panel is a dialogue around how contemporary practice is no longer simply placed in or responding to our regional landscape, but instead emerging from and resonating with place, ultimately helping to inform our national identities.

Capital exhibition at the Ballarat International Foto Biennale, 2019. Photographer: Ellen Eustice
Martin Kantor Portrait Prize at the Ballarat International Foto Biennale, 2019. Photographer: Ellen Eustice
Clare Armitage working on the Nyapanyapa Yunupinu exhibition, the moment eternal, 2019.

Beyond the Biennale