SESSION: Small. Slow. Humble.
Online conversation with
Excellence. Merit. Award winning. The arts industry is steeped in hierarchical measures of success. The current cycles of highly competitive funding, where peers are assessed against each other for a limited opportunities feeds cycles of boom and bust, and a culture of overwork, burn out and poor mental health.
How are these paradigms of hierarchy and scarcity underpinned by and reinforcing white supremacy, ableism and patriarchy, and what can we do it about it?
Small. Slow. Humble is an invitation to consider radical alternatives to the current models of creative success. This interactive forum will blend community conversation, reading group and ritual to create space for reflection, discussion and visioning about how we, as artists, might nurture small, local and inclusive practices within our individual and collective practices, in the places where we live, work and love.
This conversation will be interactive. Links to reading/listening texts which will be used to facilitate connection, reflection and conversation are below.
The conversation has a capacity limit of 40 people. The workshop will not be recorded.
This list contains things you can read, listen to or watch that have informed my thinking. I invite you to explore one or two before the workshop.
Take me to the River by Tony Birch
Rest as Resistance by Tricia Hersey and the Nap Ministry
Childish Things by Dougald Hine
Lumbung Calling: Local Anchor with Melani Budianta, Armin Salassa, Jumana Emil Abboud & Mirwan Andan
Family by Warren H Williams
Message from the Ngurra Palya by Ambellin Kwaymulina
Still from Testing Ground: a ritual of recovery, Kelly Lee Hickey, 2020
Photo by Kate La Greca