SESSION: Transformative Experiences: How art and creativity can create pathways to recovery

Online conversation with Christopher Cowles , Vanessa Keenan , Amanda Grant  and Mahony Maia Kiely
Transformative Experiences: How art and creativity can create pathways to recovery
14 /Oct
AEST: 03:30pm  -  04:30pm
ACST: 03:00pm  -  04:00pm
AWST: 12:30pm  -  01:30pm
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"We talk endlessly about resilience; but resilient communities that can best withstand the impact of disaster are those with a network of social connections across different groups. Creativity, particularly creative practice that has its origins and development within a community, is a potent catalyst for social connection, compassion and ultimately, resilience." Amanda Grant

Evidence overwhelmingly suggests that art and creativity develop strength and connectedness, and can often lead a path out of trauma towards recovery and renewal.

Join facilitator Amanda Grant as she speaks with Vanessa Keenan, Christopher Cowles and Mahony Maia Kiely about the impact catastrophic bushfires have on artists; and the social and psychological recovery that accompanies arts projects undertaken in communities that have experienced these unexpected events.

Image: Hope Leaf. Artist Doug Tarrant. Photo: Amanda Grant

If the discussion raises any issues for you please call:
Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or text the helpline on 0477 13 11 14
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 and they have a comprehensive list of national help lines and websites

Transformative Experiences: How Art and Creativity

If you are struggling and need immediate help call:

Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or text the helpline on 0477 13 11 14

Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636